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VENIA Cosmetic Brand Ambassador Program



Do you love skincare, all-natural products, leading natural lifestyle and sharing these loves with others through your online presence?

Then we want to hear from you!




Why join VENIA Cosmetic as a Brand Ambassador?


VENIA Cosmetic loves to support and uplift influencers who genuinely share our love for natural skincare products and their benefits through our Brand Ambassador Program.


We believe the flexibility this role offers is perfect for all lifestyles, whether you’re a student, blogger, influencer, working nine-to-five, or a stay-at-home parent. Plus, there are many benefits to joining the #veniacosmetic!



Brand Ambassador Benefits Include:


FREE PRODUCTS                                            20% DISCOUNT                              EARLY ACCESS TO NEW PRODUCTS

Brand Ambassadors                                           Brand Ambassadors                           Brand Ambassadors receive free

receive a free product                                        receive a 20% discount                      access to exclusive products.

package containing                                            when they purchase 

award winning natural                                        products.

skincare products.



PERSONALISED CODE                                 10% COMMISSION                 

Brand Ambassadors will receive                        Brand Ambassadors will         

a personalised code to share                             get 10% commission on all    

with their followers, friends                                orders placed using their       

and family for 15% off our                                  personalised Brand                 

products.                                                             Ambassador Code.                   





What do we ask of our Brand Ambassadors?


We ask our Brand Ambassadors to commit to a 6-month contract where they:


·       Participate in our Brand Ambassador training.

·       Include our brand in their About Us section and Bio.

·       Post video or picture testimonials to their social media pages within three weeks of receiving their free VENIA Cosmetic Product                   Package.

·       Create content featuring our products or repost our content at least twice a week

·       This can include sharing our content, posts, videos, stories, IGTV, reels they’ve created featuring our products

·       Promote their personalized discount code with their followers at least once a week

·       Regularly engage with us on social media (like, comment and share posts, reels, IGTV, and stories of interest to your followers)



If you're a creative, energetic, and outgoing person who is passionate about skincare, natural living, and beauty we think you'll make a great fit.




Brand Ambassador Terms of Agreement


·       VENIA Cosmetic reserves the right to terminate the agreement without notice if the Brand Ambassador does not adhere to all the               rules and requirements stated above, or if fraud or abuse is detected.

·       All confidential information, including, but not limited to, any business, customer information, logos, images, trademarks disclosed by         one party to the other during the effective term of this Agreement will remain the sole property of the disclosing party and should be         kept in confidence. No proprietary information can be disclosed without express written permission of the disclosing party.

·       Brand Ambassadors may not use VENIA Cosmetic logo, images or other website/branding imagery in a way that is detrimental to the         company.

·       Brand Ambassadors may not use VENIA Cosmetic logo, images, or other website/branding imagery for any other brand/company.

·       If you have any further questions regarding our Brand Ambassador Program please fill out the form on our Contact Us page, or reach         out to us via email    





We can't wait to have you join!

Apply today.

Brand Ambassador Form

Thanks for submitting!



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VENIA Cosmetic Ltd a privately-owned family business hereby declares that all products manufactured by VENIA Cosmetic Ltd are formulated, packaged and labelled in compliance with the Cosmetics Regulations (EC) No. 1223/2009 and its amendments in accordance with the European Parliament, also including the Cosmetic Products (Safety) Regulations 2008. All products manufactured by VENIA Cosmetic Ltd brands have never been tested on animals. VENIA Cosmetic Ltd has never conducted animal testing and has never commissioned any outside organisation to do it on our behalf. We also purchase raw materials entitled to be sold in the European Market, not known to be tested on animals as per the European Commission.

© 2018 by VENIA Cosmetic Ltd | United Kingdom | Reg. England. 10383896 | VAT Reg. 253 5483 96 | Contact:

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